History and Project Milestones

The I-94 Modernization Project has been moving steadily towards our goal to meet new FHWA safety standards. The timeline below describes our progress to date.

  • 1994
  • December
    • The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for modernizing I-94 is completed by MDOT and approved by the FHWA.
    • Proposed improvements include:
      • The reconstruction of nearly 7 miles of the freeway, from east of the I-96 interchange to east of Conner Avenue, with construction of an additional through-lane in each direction.
      • Freeway-to-freeway interchanges at I-75 (Chrysler Freeway) and M-10 (Lodge Freeway).
      • More than 60 bridges spanning the freeway.
    • Document: Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
  • December
    • A Record of Decision (ROD) is issued, allowing MDOT to move forward with final design, right-of-way acquisition and construction activities.
    • Subsequently, a Detailed Engineering Report is completed that provides key information necessary to move the project forward and the Van Dyke, Woodward and Trumbull Avenue bridges are rebuilt.
    • Plans for redesigning and reconstructing other bridges are underway.
    • Document: Record of Decision (ROD)
  • Summer
    • MDOT hosts open house events in Detroit to gather feedback from the public, primarily on ways to improve local connectivity and mobility.
  • Summer
    • MDOT holds workshops with the city of Detroit planning and development and engineering departments.
    • Together they review the planning department’s vision for neighborhood mobility and connectivity and look for possible project modifications to help support that vision.
    • Using public and city input, MDOT develops proposed modifications that improve connectivity and better utilize existing surface roads without expanding the freeway footprint.
  • Fall
    • Proposed modifications are presented to the public for input at a second round of MDOT open house meetings in Detroit.
  • May
    • MDOT and the City, in response to public feedback from the fall 2016 open house meetings, held another workshop in May 2017 to discuss additional proposed modifications to address public concerns.
  • Summer
    • MDOT announces plans to prepare a SEIS to address proposed modifications to the project. The process is expected to take at least two years.
  • Fall
    • MDOT releases a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for public review and comment. The 45-day comment period—from September 13 to October 28—includes two public hearings, focusing on design modifications described in the DSEIS.
    • Public Hearing held on October 10, 2019. Transcripts & Comments made available 3/6/20.
    • Document: DSEIS.
  • Summer
    • FHWA signed the Combined Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (Combined FSEIS and ROD) on June 30, 2020 and published in it the Federal Register on July 31, 2020.
    • The Combined FSEIS and ROD explains the basis for the Selected Alternative and defines the measures that will be incorporated into the project to mitigate potential impacts and minimize harm to the project area. It also addresses comments received during the public and agency review period and signifies the conclusion of the environmental review process.
    • Issuance of the ROD allows MDOT to proceed with final design engineering, property acquisition and construction.
    • Combined FSEIS and ROD