The I-94 Modernization Project will reconstruct the I-94 freeway in Detroit from east of the I-96/I-94 interchange to east of Conner Avenue. The project will address known crash/safety and capacity issues by
- Adding a fourth travel lane in each direction
- Rebuilding 70+ bridges, already underway
- Rebuilding two major interchanges: the Lodge and Chrysler freeways
- Widening the median shoulder to better accommodate disabled vehicles and emergency responders
- Lengthening freeway entrance/exit ramps to improve safety, capacity and travel time reliability
- Converting many of the existing service drives above the freeway into two-way local street connections that improve community connectivity and accommodate non-motorized users
- Fitting within the existing right-of-way footprint through the use of proposed retaining walls in lieu of existing grassy cut slopes that are challenging to maintain.
The cost of this project is over $3 billion.

The existing I-94 Freeway is characterized by narrow median shoulders, three travel lanes in each direction and substandard freeway entrance/exit ramps that contribute to weave/merge challenges and safety issues.

The new freeway will be built with an additional lane and modern designs that will accommodate both motorized and non-motorized users.

Several Advanced Bridges have been rebuilt since 2018. Freeway construction is anticipated to start in spring 2024.

Project sponsors are the Federal Highway Administration, Michigan Department of Transportation, and the City of Detroit. MDOT has management and oversight responsibility, and will oversee all project activities from the preliminary engineering and environmental phases through final construction.
The MDOT senior project manager is Terry Stepanski, P.E., who provides overall administration, coordination, and technical oversight to the project.
Due to the phases and complexities of this project, MDOT has hired HNTB as the Owner’s Representative, to serve as an extension of the senior project manager, and to assist with project design, management, cost, schedule, and quality.