To view/download the Combined FSEIS and ROD, click on the links below.
- I-94 Detroit Combined FSEIS and ROD (1.3 MB)
- Appendix A - Conceptual Relocation Plan (1 MB)
- Appendix B - Public Hearing Summary (26.3 MB)
- Appendix C - Agency Correspondence (6 MB)
- Appendix D - Section 106 Documents (8 MB)
- Appendix E - Section 4f Exhibits and Correspondence (9.4 MB)
- Appendix F - Selected Alternative Conceptual Design Plan (23.2 MB)
- Appendix G - Updated Illustrations of Proposed Modifications (6.7 MB)
This Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) summarizes comments the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) received for the I-94 Detroit Modernization Project Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS), and it documents the input MDOT collected at the Oct. 10, 2019, public hearing. In accordance with federal requirements for expediting environmental review processes and project delivery, this FSEIS also contains the Project Record of Decision (ROD), which identifies the Selected Alternative (which is the Preferred Alternative that the DSEIS identified).